Mittwoch, 23. April 2008

The Expat Arc

One of our members has written a book on expat life! See below for details. It is available on

The Expat Arc: An expat's journey over culture shock by Danielle Barkhouse(Link:
"Don't read this if you're expecting deep insights on culture, politics orreligion in India. Oh no. I'm far too shallow and lack the intelligencenecessary for that. I'm not an expert about anything. I'm just here for agood time and amusing myself about it to stay sane."
Danielle Barkhouse researched and prepared for her family's relocation fromIllinois to India. She was an experienced expatriate, so she thought sheknew the range of feelings that she would experience. She was wrong.
"I have found that most expats don't really talk about culture shock. We all look at one another and know we're each going through it at some level. Somepeople will say they're fine, when they're really not. And then there's me. Let's just put it under a microscope, magnify the details and write aboutit! That's all this really is, a magnification of the details."
The journey that most expatriates take when they leave their home countryfor an assignment abroad is like an arc. The Expat Arc is a collection ofDanielle's journal entries detailing her expat arc path beginning with thehoneymoon phase, hanging out in the rejection phase longer than desired andplowing her way into the phase of acceptance. It's a very personal anddetailed description of her journey over the arc of culture shock, identitycrisis and settling in. It includes nuggets of her humor, insight and a few'light bulb moments' about living abroad.
"Luckily, coming back down the other side, the arc is transformed into a colorful rainbow and we know what's at the end of a rainbow!" Priceless treasures and golden nuggets.

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